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Manganese sand for water supply

Manganese sand must be able to be filtered and washed in the filtration pond in a stable and efficient manner and must comply with the regulations of 1.1 main component, 1.2 quality (physical properties) and 1.3 quality (leaching property).

1. Principal component and quality

1.1 Main component
Manganese sand is obtained by adhering manganese dioxide on the surface of filtered sand for water supply, and the main component of the adhering matter is manganese dioxide.

1.2 Quality (physical properties)
Quality (physical properties) shall be tested according to JWWA A 103-3: 2006-2 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 and shall comply with the provisions of Table 1.

1.3 Quality (exudability)
Quality (exudability) shall be tested according to JWWA A 103-3: 2006-2 6.5 and shall comply with the provisions of Table 1.

● Table 1-Quality

item Quality regulations Applicable test clause
Physical properties density (g/cm3) 2.57 ~ 2.67 JWWA A 103-3:6.4.1
Manganese adhesion (mg/g) 0.3 or more JWWA A 103-3:6.4.2
Exudative taste Not abnormal JWWA A 103-3:6.5
Odor Not abnormal
Saturation (degree) 0.5 or less
Turbidity (degree) 0.2 or less
Iron and its compounds (mg/L) 0.03 or less
Manganese and its compounds (mg/L) 0.005 or less

2. Dimensions
The dimensions shall be tested according to JWWA A 103-3: 2006-2 6.6.1 and comply with the provisions of Table 2 and the requirements set by the purchaser.

● Table 2-Dimensions

item Dimensional regulation Applicable test clause
Effective diameter (mm) 0.45 ~ 0.7 JWWA A 103-3: 6.6.1
Equal coefficient 1.7 or less
Maximum diameter (mm) 2.0 or less
Minimum diameter (mm) 0.3 or more

Quote: Japan Water Works Association Standard JWWA Water Supply Filter Material A-103: 2006-2
Revised on March 30, 2006


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